Get Fast Cash For Your Sewing Machine Today!
If your sewing machine is in a closet gathering dust with your stash of fabric scraps, it might be time to clean it up and take it to a pawnshop for some quick cash. Sewing machines, especially vintage, or expensive machines last for a lifetime, and can be worth significant money to the right buyer. While many individuals may turn to electronics or instruments, that sewing machine you never use may bring more cash than you expect.
Know Your Sewing Machine Before You Go To Our Pawn Shops
Before you take your sewing machine to the pawnshop, dust off the cobwebs, and ensure that it is working properly. A good cleaning and a little oil can go a long way to making a sewing machine look brand new. Take a fabric square and show off any special stitches or features that the machine can do. Next, be sure you have all the parts that go with the sewing machine. Typically, there are several components and accessories to a sewing machine. These may include:
Power cord and foot pedal: without these, the machine is virtually worthless, so do not bother taking it in unless you have both the power cord and the foot pedal.
Feet: Most modern sewing machines will have several different sewing machine feet. These are interchangeable depending on the stitch you are using. There may be a zipper foot, ruffle foot, buttonhole foot, etc. The number of feet you have depends on the make and model of your machine.
Cover: you may have a simple canvas dust cover, or a hard carrying case. Either one will increase the value of your sewing machine by adding a layer of protection.
Accessories: this may include a bobbin holder, thread case, sewing scissors, or any additional quilting or sewing accessories that may add value to the machine.
Pawning vs. Selling Your Sewing Machine
If you are looking to sell your sewing machine, look online or in local stores to determine the value of your machine. With this information, you can have a better idea of what the pawnshop may offer you. Keep in mind that the pawnshop is in the business of buying equipment and then reselling it, so they will typically only offer about half of full resale value when purchasing items from sellers. However, if you do not want to sell your sewing machine, you can pawn it. Pawning an item is to use it as collateral for a small, short-term loan, and retrieving the item once the loan is paid off. Whether you pawn or sell is up to you, but know what you would like to do and how much money you are willing to take before you walk into the pawnshop.
When you take your machine to the pawnshop, take as much information as you can including the make, model, owner's manual, and any interesting facts, features, or additional information you have about the machine. If your machine is over 100 years old, or was used by a celebrity or used in a famous project, you may be able to reap significant cash for the item. If your item is vintage, or particularly valuable bring any documentation or evidence to back up your claims.
If you don't find what you're looking for here that doesn't mean that we don't have or accept it.
Call us to check to see if we have a certain item or if we can accept your pawn item.